Scripps Together
a place where you can get the facts
about unions and union organizing.

Strike Record

Since 2014, the SEIU has been involved in 362 strikes, which put over 300,000 of their members out of work.

Workers Involved

Strike Calculator

Calculate how much money you could lose during a strike.

Year Total Number of Strikes Total Number of Days on Strike Total Number of Employees Idled by Strike Workdays Lost
2013 14 45 12,249 40,746
2014 17 168 6,918 37,479
2015 7 13 5,169 9,007
2016 9 21 10,227 21,567
2017 17 139 7,843 24,625
2018 18 68 2,462 12,332
2019 13 86 6,615 31,050
2020 15 136 20,273 144,395
2021 27 300 47,378 179,020
2022 138 492 18,877 108,534
Total 275 2,936 138,011 1,217,510

What’s at Risk During a Strike?

When union members are put on the picket line by the union, they find out firsthand just what they’re risking during an economic strike.

  • Paychecks from Scripps Health would stop.
  • Economic strikers don’t qualify for unemployment in most states.
  • Strikers may have to pay the entire premium cost for their health insurance policies.
  • Patient care and service suffers.
  • In an economic strike, strikers may be permanently replaced: The striker will go on a preferential recall list, but a replacement worker has no obligation to give up the job when the strike is over, and the employer has no obligation to rehire the striking workers.
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