Scripps Together
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about unions and union organizing.

Union Financials

The SEIU is a big business, surviving on the dues of its hard-working members. Each year the SEIU is required to report the union’s most recent financial flow.

$ 0
Revenue generated by the SEIU in 2023 — 88% collected from members per capita taxes.
$ 0
SEIU spent $5.7 MILLION MORE than the union collected.
0 %
Percentage of SEIU revenue spent to organize new members, bargain contracts, and represent current members.
$ 0
Spent to pay the SEIU’s staff and officers.

Take a look at the chart below which breaks down how SEIU spent $293,735,153.

*Other: Contributions, Gifts, and Grants; Per Capita Tax; Loans Made; Strike Benefits; Fines, Fees, and Assessments; Supplies for Resale; Repayment of Loans Obtained; To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf; On Behalf of Individual Members; Withheld but Not Disbursed; Source: 2024 SEIU LM-2 Report

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