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Service Employees International Union

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) began in 1921 as a janitors’ union, eventually branching out from building services to include government and healthcare workers.

Over the years, their success as a union has been attributed to mergers with smaller unions and savvy targeting of unskilled, low-wage labor forces and groups that have not been traditionally courted by labor organizations, such as healthcare workers. But not all their steps have been good ones. This is a union that has faced:

  • high profile corruption charges
  • massive internal restructuring
  • the defection of thousands of its members

It all adds up to a significant loss of membership and power – which may make you wonder if this is the group of people you want representing your interests.

The SEIU is a union that’s had its share of challenges – and now, they may be looking to you to help them with their troubles. You need to ask yourself if SEIU is the group you want representing your interests and if their services are worth the cost of dues.

What It Means to be a SEIU Member

  • SEIU members are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the SEIU constitution.
  • At least some SEIU members aren’t happy with the union’s representation, as 5,280 unfair labor practice charges have been filed against the SEIU in the last 10 years, according to Bloomberg Law.

Unfair labor practices charges filed against the SEIU
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