Scripps Together
a place where you can get the facts
about unions and union organizing.

For Scripps Nurses

Are you hearing a lot about nursing unions these days?  Make sure you take the time to learn the facts about any organization that wants to represent you. 


One nursing union active in California is United Nurses Associations of California (UNAC),  which represents around 35,000 healthcare professionals, primarily registered nurses in the state. UNAC is affiliated with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).

UNAC Dues & Fees

Union membership carries with it the obligation to finance union activities through dues that are typically deducted from your pay. According to UNAC’s 2024 LM-2 (a financial report submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor):

UNAC Strike Record

Strikes are a risk with every union, but can be particularly difficult for RNs and other caregivers who would be expected to walk a picket line rather than care for patients. UNAC has taken workers out on two strikes over the past 10 years, affecting 568 healthcare workers who lost a total of 1,261days pay.

UNAC Financials

UNAC is a big business, surviving on the dues of its hard-working members. Each year UNAC is required to report the union’s most recent financial flow. Download UNAC’s Federal Financial Filing.

$ 0
Revenue generated by UNAC in 2023 — 72% collected from members’ dues and agency fees.
$ 0
UNAC spent $8 MILLION MORE than the union collected.
0 %
Percentage of UNAC revenue spent to organize new members, bargain contracts, and represent current members.
$ 0
Spent to pay UNAC’s staff and officers.

Take a look at the chart below which breaks down how UNAC spent $67,714,935.

*Other: Contributions, Gifts, and Grants; Per Capita Tax; Loans Made; Strike Benefits; Fines, Fees, and Assessments; Supplies for Resale; Repayment of Loans Obtained; To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf; On Behalf of Individual Members; Withheld but Not Disbursed; Source: 2024 UNAC LM-2 Report

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